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Interviews: Interview 1 | Interview 2 | A.M. Books | book 01. FIRST PORTFOLIO | book 02. STREET POEMS | book 03. HAND TINTED WORK | book 04. AFTER THE RAIN | book 05. INNER GRACE | book 06. THE FACE OF PRAYER | book 07. THE HEALING MOMENT | book 08. TOMPKINS PEOPLE | book 09. UNION SQUARE | book 10. COUPLES | book 11. TEA BAGS | book 12. CELEBRITIES IN DISGUISE | book 13. DIPPING INTO LIGHT | book 14. LOOK |

iPhone series: Series 1Series 2; Series 3 | A.M. Calendar | A.M. Calendar v2 |

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A.M. PortfolioGeneral Stock: Autism | Buddhist-Hindu | CaninesChildren | Christian | Couples | Disabilities | Education | Elderly | HandsHomeless | Hunger and Poverty | Jewish | Laying-on of Hands | Mental Illness | Social Work | Teens | Violence | Medical Stock: Alzheimer’s | Babies and Neonatal | General MedicalGeriatric | Intensive Care and Hospice | Pediatrics | Surgery |

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A.M. Poetry | A.M. Poems, Introduction | A.M. Quotes |

A.M. Discourses: The Healing Image | Parashat Noah | Parashat Yitro | Yom Kippur | Radical Healing

Genesis of Desire | Leda & the Swan | Passion | Beauty | Tattoo | Fruits | Flowers | Mirror | Aging | Yitro |

Love vs. Fear  | Just Joy | World Poetry | Commentary Poetry | World Prayers | Theology | Articles | World Quotations |

BODY > AgingAngels | Beauty | Birth | Dance | Death | Yoga |
MIND > AttitudeBe Here Now | Creativity | Meditation | Mindfulness | Solutions | Thought | You Are Light |
HEART > Attitudinal Healing | Compassion | Friendship | ForgivenessImago | Keep WishingLove | Nonviolent Communication |
SPIRIT > Anger | BreathFaithFear | God | GratitudeKindness |


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Snail Mail: Abraham Menashe, 401 E 34 St, Apt s34e, N.Y, New York, 10016-5071