If you plant oranges and get apples, it is because you planted oranges. The harvest is coming, the question is, what seeds did you plant?

Whether one is wealthy or poor, healthy or ill, younger or older, married, single or divorced, the truth is that happiness and all qualities of it—joy, gladness, delight, contentment, tranquility, and bliss—are always available and accessible to us via our own thought and actions. It also means that our lives do not have to be an endless cycle of disappointment, discouragement, depression, and despair.

All that we are is the result of what we have thought.
— The Buddha

Peace is only a thought away.
Jill Taylor, American scientist.


Here is a 5 minute neuroplasticity exercise to rewire your brain—directions below are a modified transcript from top right video:

Step #1
Close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths to relax. Place one of your hands on your forehead with palm lying flat against your skin; now take the other hand and place it in the back of your head with the palm against your scalp. In the front of your brain, near the forehead, is the part of the brain known as the “frontal lobe”. This area manages your cognitive functions and movement. In the world of Chakras,  it represents the spiritual center of the 3rd eye, which regulates higher awareness, imagination and intuition. In the back of your head is the area of the brain known as the “occipital lobe”, which is primarily responsible for vision. By placing your hands in this position, you’re sending subtle energies into your brain and your 3rd eye chakra. These subtle energies are a vibration, or a pattern of pulsations from your hands that add more energy into this portion of your body.

Step #2
Focus on something that you would like to manifest. Call it into your mind with as much detail as you are able to. Imagine yourself touching it and feeling its texture. Does it have a sound? If so, take a moment to hear it. What are its visual qualities? What type of energy does it have and what type of energy does it invoke in you?. Take a few moments to really connect with this item or desire.

Step #3
Begin to state the name of this object out-loud. Try to come up with a statement that lists approximately 5 physical features of this item. Simply state the name of these traits out loud several times with authority. Take about 30 seconds to a minute, to do this repeatedly.

Step #4
After you have stated the name of this manifestation out loud several times, you will probably notice that you will be able to identify the emotion you feel while observing it. Give a name, or several names to this emotion. For example, “Happy”, “Excited”, or “Peaceful”. Anywhere between one and four emotions is sufficient. State these emotions out-loud, for about 30 seconds to a minute, and really feel how they feel as you state them. Because the emotions most likely make you feel good, put a smile on your face as you do this.

Step #5
Take a few moments to state out-loud: “This is my new truth and my new reality”. In doing this, you establish a commitment within your mind, to begin forming the new belief, that you already have this thing, that you are choosing to manifest. You are declaring it to be true, and the brain will go to work to begin the process of that.

Step #6
With your hands still in the front and back of your head, open your eyes and continue to think about your new manifestation and how it makes you feel. As you do this, keep your head still and move your eyes only, to the right side and the left side several times. Anywhere from 10-15 times of doing this is enough. This part of the process stimulates both the left and right hemispheres of the brain simultaneously. When both sides of the brain are working together in unison, the results are much more powerful. In essence, it locks-in the information that you just given it.

Do this exercise 2-3 minutes per day, for a minimum of 30 days. In doing so you are creating a new new neural pathways for new perceptions and behaviors. With dedication, you will begin to think new thoughts that correspond with this manifestation, and those thoughts will support you in creating new beliefs that align you with what you are manifesting. When you begin to live these new beliefs, you will have a new energy and vibrational frequency that begins to magnetize what you want to you.