One day, Spider sees worker ants in a row;
Asks Queen ant:
How do you keep them aligned?

Queen ant says, every morning,
I sew them together
with cosmic thread

Then I tug the line gently,
until the thread disappears,
that is how worker ants stay aligned

Spider smiles, tilts head up,
four pairs of eyes siphon
cosmic light from the milky Way

Where, in his abdomen,
it morphs into silk–
an act freely available to all creatures

The next morning he begins to stitch
these threads as a passing bird watches,
also struck with this brilliant idea

Bird pulls strands of her own
from the swirling milky way,
throws them into a V formation

Other birds align into the V,
Forming one majestic community
Wiser than any lone bird

And so, the teaching is passed on,
from one creature to another
binding each to its own kind

Each to its own pattern
Each to its own wonder
freely offered by the stars

— © Abraham Menashe