Liu Yong  (987–1053) is a Chinese poet of the Song dynasty.

He looked for the temporary passion and relaxation among the low-level dancers, singers, prostitutes and other classes. He led a poor life, died in Zhenjiang, and buried by prostitutes, dancers and singers, who in spirit were his bosom friends.



Liu Yong

Fresh out of childhood
my hair done in cloud-coils
I soon learned song and dance
bowed before feasting nobles
who shared my favors
casually bought my smiles
flashing their gold
now I’m afraid
my bloom will fade
from squandered days and nights

once sir, in your kind care
this flower would flourish
hand in hand we could wander
ten thousand li under sunset skies
I’d renounce forever
mist and blossom company
never again would you see me play
with morning clouds and evening rain


Liu Yong

She lowers her fragrant curtain,
wanting to speak her love.

She hesitates, she frowns—
the night is too soon over!

Her lover is first to bed,
warming the duck-down quilt.

She lays aside her needle,
drops her rich silk skirt,

eager for his embrace.
He asks one thing:

that the lamp remain lit.
He wants to see her face.