Carrie Fountain is an American poet and writer of young adult fiction. She is from Las Cruces, New Mexico. She was a fellow at the Michener Center for Writers, and received Swink Magazine’s Award for Emerging Writers and the Marlboro Poetry Prize. She wrote for the Texas Observer, and was poetry columnist for the Austin American-Statesman. Carrie was named the 2019 Poet Laureate of Texas.


Carrie Fountain

between the blind and the sill, nothing
really. There are so many things
that destroy. To think solely of them
is as foolish and expedient as not 
thinking of them at all. All I want 
is to be the river though I return 
again and again to the clouds. 
All I want is to stop beginning sentences 
with All I want. No—no really all
I want is this morning: my daughter 
and my son saying “Da!” back and forth 
over breakfast, cracking each other up 
while eating peanut butter toast 
and raspberries, making a place for 
the two of them I will, eventually,
no longer be allowed to enter. Time to be 
the fine line. Time to practice being 
the line. And then maybe the darkness.