We reach for You
from our quiet places.
May we stand still for a brief moment,
and listen to the rain—
Stand still, for a brief moment,
and watch the play of sunlight and shadows
For a brief moment—listen to the world.
Let us stop the wheels of every day for Shabbat.
Find the sanctuary which the soul cherished.
Renew the Covenant of an ancient people.
We need quiet to test the balance of our days.
The weight of our own deeds
against the heavy demands of the world
The balance is precarious—steady us with faith:
Quiet places and stillness—
where we will nurture our best impulses.
Quiet places and stillness—
from which we will reach out to each other.
We will find strength in silence
and with this strength
we will turn again to Your service.

— Mishkan T’Filah