"While there is perhaps a province in which the photograph can tell us more than we see with our own eyes, there is another in which it proves to us how little our own eyes often permit us to see." — Dorothea Lange, American photographer, born 1895
"Every image he sees, every photograph he takes, becomes in a sense a self portrait. The portrait is made more meaningful by intimacy—an intimacy shared not only by the photographer with his subject but by the audience." — Dorothea Lange, American photographer, born 1895
"I had to face within myself all the things I didn't do and wasn't while I was wearing my own crown." — Frank Langella, American actor, born 1938
"The best kind of kinky sex is to have kinky sex with your wife or husband, the person you love." — Frank Langella, American actor, born 1938
"But I firmly believe that you can't be emotionally free until you are emotionally committed." — Frank Langella, American actor, born 1938
"There is a great deal of attention paid and books written about this change of life in a woman, and really very little written about a mans change of life." — Frank Langella, American actor, born 1938
"I have always felt the basis of everything in life is sexual, and I will maintain that to my dying day." — Frank Langella, American actor, born 1938
"I just feel that no matter what comes in a career - and mine has been all over the map - you must stay at the table, pick up the cards you're dealt and play them." — Frank Langella, American actor, born 1938
"When I closed in "King Lear" I went into a period of depression for about three weeks, and every actor I've talked to who's ever played a major, major Shakespeare role has done this." — Frank Langella, American actor, born 1938
"There is a thing called the death wish, a literal thing. It doesn't mean you want to die. It just means however we're built, as we get into these years, some inner part of you does begin to accept the fact that you're heading towards the end, and there's a peace that comes with that." — Frank Langella, American actor, born 1938