"The pain that won't go away also needs our love."
A.M. Quotes
"The photographer is the thief of light, yet every time he steals, he is encouraged to steal some more."
"The photographer's message, in its highest form, is rooted in the power of darkness, offering from its belly, the message of light."
"The photographs I make are a tribute to a higher power. Each is part of a mosaic of an ongoing prayer."
"The question is not what you look at, but what do you see?"
"The real challenge is not simply to survive—anyone can do that. It’s to survive while emersed in light."
"The real secret is how you handle the secret."
"The richest and fullest lives attempt to achieve an inner balance between two gifts: the gifts of Light and the gifts of Darkness."
"The sublime and the beautiful are not far away. Just look again."
"The sun has set, but her light still burns inside of me."
"The universe does not course correct if we plant the wrong seed. Whatever we plant is what we are going to get back."
"The values of light and darkness are within your heart, your soul, your spirit. Just go within and meet them as you look for images."
"The whole of humanity is a cry, and my work is a commentary on that cry."
"The world is full of grace. All I'm doing is recording it."